Welcome to Crossway

We are a church that develops disciples of Jesus who have truly encountered the gospel, been changed by God's grace, and are living for His glory.

You're Invited!

Crossway is a non-denominational church in Port Orchard, Washington committed to reaching our community with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Please join us on Sundays at 10am at Hidden Creek Elementary!

Worship with us

Sunday | 10:00 AM
Hidden Creek Elementary School


Watch our previous sermons online.

Need Prayer?

When we pray, we open ourselves to the presence of something greater than ourselves. Request prayer now.

Sermon Series: God Up Close

Is Jesus really who he says he is? And if he is, then how should we respond to him? These are the foundational questions behind the earliest written biography of Jesus, the Gospel of Mark.

Join us on Sundays as we seek answers to those questions in the stories Mark tells us about Jesus. If he really is who he says he is, then one thing is certain: we cannot ignore him!

"Do not fear; only believe" – Jesus
Mark 5:36

What's Coming Up

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