If you found our site because you are searching for a new church in Port Orchard (or Kitsap County), or if you were referred here by someone, let me be the first one to say “Welcome!” We’re glad you found us!
You can get a good sense of what our church values by watching a sermon or looking at our Statement of Belief. We take Jesus and the grace that he offers very seriously, and we believe the Bible is where you find wisdom and answers for life’s biggest questions. But some things are harder to capture in a website than others, including the “feel” of the church and what a typical Sunday is like.
As I’m writing this, I am still fairly new to Crossway Church myself, but I remember how warmly welcomed my wife and I were when we first arrived. And not just as the new pastor, but on our very first visit, before many people even knew who we were. The Holy Spirit has gifted the people of Crossway with an abundance of generosity and hospitality, and I am certain you will feel at ease on your very first visit.
As for the vibe of most Sunday services, we practice a “come as you are” dress code, and we have people in sport coats and people wearing shorts and sneakers and everything in between. Our service lasts about an hour, we offer kids ministry for elementary-age children, and there’s always coffee and snacks before and after the service.
I hope to meet you on Sunday, and if you have questions before or after visiting, don’t hesitate to reach out and ask!